Глава 6

Глава 6

1. Facebook, YouTube +: How Social Media Outlets Impact Digital Terrorism and Hate. – Simon Wiesenthal Center, 2009, http://www.wiesenthal.com/atf/cf/%7B54d385e6-flb9-4e9f-8e94-890c3e6dd277%7D/NY-RELEASE.PDF.

2. Fogel В., Wolfson S. Jewtopia: The Chosen Book for the Chosen People. – New York: Warner Books, 2006. Гл. 6, стр. 1

3. Winston-Macauley M. Are Jewish Stereotypes Funny? Part 3 // Aish. – http://www.aish.eom/j/fs/48965451.html. Гл. 6, стр. 7

4. Rosenbaum R. Not Very Nice – The Borat movie: They botched the joke // Slate. – 2006. – November 2. – http://www.skte. com/id/2152772.

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