Глава 5

Глава 5

1. Senesh H. Paris: Gang suspected of killing Jew nabbed // Ynet News (Israel). – 2006. – February 19. – http://www.freerepublic. com/focus/news/1581534/posts; Gurfinkiel M. Tale of torture and murder horrifies whole of France // New York Sun. – 2006. – February 22. – http://www.nysun.com/foreign/tale-of-torture-and-murder-horrifies-the-hole/7948/.

2. Foxman A. H. How One Man’s Rant Spread Globally // Cutting Edge News. – 2010. – January 25. – http://www.adl.org/ADL_ Opinions/Israel/CuttingEdgeNews_012510.htm.

3. Blaming the Jews: Reaction to the Financial Crisis in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. – Anti-Defamation League, 2008, October 31, http://www.adl.org/main_Anti_Semitism_Interna-tional/Financial_Crisis.

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