Меморандум Маккоуна, «Meeting of the NSC Executive Committee, 26 October, 1962, 10:00 a.m.», doc. 96, CIADCMC; Guided Missile and Astronautics Intelligence Committee; «Supplement to Joint Evaluation of Soviet Missile Threat in Cuba, 26 October 1962 (Excerpt)», doc. 94, ibid; memo for the Director «Your Briefings of the NSC Executive Committee», Nov. 3, 1962, doc. 109, ibid.; «10:00 a.m. October 26,1962», Declassified Documents, 1994, no. 3503; «10:00 a.m. October 26, 1962», ibid, no. 3505; Bromley Smith «Summary Record NSC Executive Committee Meeting October 26, 1962,1000 a.m.», doc. 42 in Chang and Kornbluh, eds., Cuban Missile Crisis; entry for October 26, 1962 «Notes Taken from Transcripts of Meeting» of the JCS, October-November 1962, Dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis (рукописные заметки сделаны в 1976 г. и перепечатаны в 1993 г.), CNC/NSA.